How To Configure Bandwidth Control TP-Link Router

When many devices are linked to a network, the bandwidth is rationed among the devices and any devices which make use of high-bandwidth software like video streaming and torrent, and then the entire bandwidth will be routed to that device. Therefore, it will have an effect on the speed and connection of all other devices on the network.

This can be prevented if one configures the bandwidth control on the router. The bandwidth control allows one to designate a particular minimum or maximum bandwidth for every device and no device will be able to utilize the bandwidth above the limit. 

How To Configure Bandwidth Control TP-Link Router

NOTE; To be able to configure your Bandwidth Control on TP-Link Router, there are some steps you need to follow such as making sure that there is a connection to the TP-Link network via wireless or Ethernet cable. 

The following steps include;

  1. Open a web browser.
  2. Go to
  3. The website displays a login page. Type in the default username and password, which are both admin.
  4. After logging in, go to the control settings section for the Bandwidth control.
  5. Mark the Enable Bandwidth Control checkbox.
  6. Choose your Line Type.
  7. Type in the Ingress Bandwidth (download speed given by the ISP) and Egress Bandwidth (upload speed given by the ISP).
  8. Go to the save button and click on it to save the settings.
  9. After that, go to the Bandwidth Control>Rules List.
  10. Go to the Add New button and click on it.
  11. Type all the necessary information in the appropriate fields. Put in the minimum and maximum that will be allotted to a particular device in the Ingress and Egress Bandwidth.
  12. Click on save.
  13. Then you can put in more entries for other connections.

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